Life science - Lif

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Lif- Facilities for The Pharmaceutical Industry.

For The Pharmaceutical Industri we created an inspiring workshop environment in an existing industrial building. Visible concrete constructions, installations and a sensitive composition of natural materials creates a stimulating location for Lif´s members new conference facilities. A natural green wall refers to medicine plants and serves as a beautiful background for the speakers at the different conferences. We suggest to show some importen scientists on the walls and did the graphic design and wayfinding. Lif's members are the companies behind the majority of the industrial medical research carried out in Denmark. For more info:
TASK New conference facilities
CLIENT Lif - Lægemiddelindustriforeningen
LOCATION Copenhagen, Denmark
SIZE 1200 m2
STATUS 2009-2010
TEAM Erik Juul, Jørgen Taxholm, Sabine Kjærulff, Hess, Morten Jacobsen.
CONTRACTOR Jeudan Service
ENGINEER Henrik Larsen A/S
Acoustics Dansk Lyd Consult A/S
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Vi bevarede de synlig bræddeforskallet betonkonstruktioner, og sammen med frithængende  akkustik flåder, magnesitgulv og akkustikvæg beklædt med lyse trælister, blev det smuk stoflig komposition. 

Vi bevarede de synlig bræddeforskallet betonkonstruktioner, og sammen med frithængende  akkustik flåder, magnesitgulv og akkustikvæg beklædt med lyse trælister, blev det smuk stoflig komposition. 

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erik juul